Wednesday, February 28, 2007

So, how is it all going so far?

Well, I'm glad you asked.

So, ok, we all know, that the good comes with the bad. So I will get the bad out of the way.

I have found that, the worst thing about giving up booze, isn't the cravings, or withdrawl symptoms, no, it's the fact that it's fucking boring. I mean, right now, I am bored beyond all belief, and on a normal day, I would pop down to the pub, now, I know technically, I can go to the pub, however, I also know that if I was to go to the pub, I would end up drinking, thus rendering all these past 4 days pointless, and I may aswell never have started. So I think that the worst thing about not drinking is you become bored, it's ok if you choose not to drink, you can go out and not drink, but when you love the drink like I do, it's much harder.

Another thing I have noticed, which makes zero sense, is that I am more randy than usual. I know that sounds hard to believe coming from a guy, most people would think, "Yeah, you have a cock, you're randy all the time", which, is kinda true, but I am usually too drunk to even give a fuck about sex, I just usually moan like an emo twat about how nobody will ever go out with me, which I still think, but at the moment, I don't care, I am just ready to hump peoples legs when they go past me! (You will be glad to know I have managed not to do this....... yet... there are still 16 days left of this challenge, be afraid, be very afraid)

So the good. Much less to type about it. But my blood pressure is decreasing.

Like I said, much less to type about it. It's quite typical of me, tell me to write about ska music, and I really couldn't type much. Tell me to write about strangers, and you would be given ten pages of me just ranting about how much I hate people.

Hmm, will you look at that, technology is taking over, I said "I really couldn't type much"

What does that tell you?

'till next time!


Monday, February 26, 2007

My Red Nose Day Challenge

Those who know me will already know, I am doing the impossible, thinking the unthinkable, and not drinking the drinkable. I am giving up alcohol for 20 days in aid of Comic Releif.

It's a scary thought innit?

Me, the drinker of all things with a % on the bottle. Not drinking, I soon expect to see shares in breweries and distilleries plummet!

But I guess it is all for a good cause, of course, the obvious reason that the money I raise will go to a fantastic cause, and help children and families in the UK and Africa that need the help.

Also, for the fact that I am going to save money, seriously, I spend all my money on alcohol these days, and what with not having any alcohol to buy, because I can't drink it, I will have money either being unspent, or spent on wiser more permanent things.

Secondly, the health benefits, I have just done my blood pressure, and it reads as 169 over 72, which, all you need to know really, is that, that its a healthy blood pressure, and the lower both the numbers are, the healthier I am. Ideally, a blood pressure more around 140 over 60 is healthier. It would be good if I can get close to that. Whilst I did it, I also discovered that my pulse at the time was 62bpm, which is bloody chilled out I can tell you that for sure.

Also, I hope I lose some weight with cutting out the booze for 20 days. Booze makes you fat, it is a fact, they don't call it a beer belly for nothing. I am currently at the Moby Dick-esque weight of 12stone, which, for a small fella like me, is actually overweight, I should be 10 and a half stone for my height I believe. I also like that weight, I used to be that heavy until I turned 18 and my waist size went west.

So, what have I noticed so far in this, day 2, of the challenge. Well, surprisingly, I haven't had the urge to drink, infact, a friend just said do I fancy going to the pub for a pint, and I really couldn't be arsed for it. As long as I have fruit juices and tea, I am more than happy. Although I don't expect this feeling of not really caring at all to last more than 4 days. It's going to be tricky, but I am going to avoid all purveyors of alcohol until it is over so I am not tempted to the dark side hahah. Also, wierdly enough, I have only have 5 and a half hours sleep, but woke up at 10:30 this morning, and got up straight away, which is something that never happens, because I have usually drank the night before. But I feel fresh as a daisy hahah!

Oh by the way, I have currently been sponsored £55 to do this. Lets see how much money we can raise for charity eh? If you wanna sponsor me, just message me via my myspace @

Well, off to do stuff on the netterwebz!!

Kristoff x

P.S. Go Google "Jumstyle" and "Youtube", c'est fantastiqué

Monday, February 12, 2007

Pfft. Pissed off. As always

Lets set the scene.


So in the oven are four fishcakes, which I intend on scoffing with mighty gusto.

So, yeah, my last blog. To quote Spike Milligan;

"I told you I was ill"

Went to the doctors, turns out, I have tonsillitis. Lovely jubly, thanks dad for not believing me. He was however quite apologetic about the whole matter. (Rightly so too)

So anyhoo, the past weekend has been, oooh, a great big full load of... no fun at all. I haven't seen any of my friends, except Mason and Alex on Sunday for about 20mins. I have felt like shit, and to make matters worse, yep, The International Day Of Me Being Single is just around the corner. Marks & Sparks ads for pink champagne and chocolate truffles becoming more and more frequent, hearts and red tissue paper in the local off liscences window, for crying out loud, A VALENTINES DISPLAY WINDOW INCLUDING 3 LITRES OF DEVON COUNTY CIDER, TENNANTS SUPERSTRONG, WHITE LIGHTNING AND RED STRIPE... well ok, Red Stripe is good, if anyone wants to get me some Stripe for Valentines, feel more than welcome.

So, also on the topic of Valentines Day, my dad is kicking me out.

Gee thanks dad!

Yup, he is kicking me out, so he can cook a nice meal for him and his lady friend.

But he hasn't thought "What if Kris has nothing to do?"

Which, funnily enough... I DON'T.

Nope, lets go through my best mates.

Mason and Alex :: Well, forgone conclusion, they are spending the evening together, they have been going out over a year now, so obviously they are out of the question.

Mully :: Well, today (also the international day of tonsillitis) Mully had his tonsills taken out. So he will be at the hospital for a couple of days whilst they keep him in to make sure the operation went ok. Thats doing something with him out of the question (Plus if I went out with him, he would end up getting off with some random girl and end up making me feel even more shite)

Cribby :: I don't imagine Cribby going out on Wednesday, and if he does, he will be going round to El's place. Now, even though we have made up, I don't seem to get invited round there any more. So thats him out of the question.

Vegan :: He just got a girlfriend recently and is always talking about her to me on msn. It annoys me that people seem to want to flaunt the fact they have relationships in my face. So thats him out of the question too.

It's at this point I think to my less closer friends ::

Greg :: He has Hannah, they will be together... out of the question.

Corby :: She will get drunk and be a state... out of the question.

Hannah :: She has Greg... out of the question.

Onion :: He lives in Liverpool and has a driving lesson... out of the question.

Edward :: He lives in Manchester, and well... out of the question.

HELL! I even asked SmarterChild and he was vague and changed the subject.

Oh and girls, don't get me started on them, whenever I tell a girl how I feel towards them, they suddenly change the subject.

So, I am left with two definates.

1) On Wednesday, I am going to be wandering the streets of Blackpool for about three hours whilst my dad has a lovely time, whilst I am on my own, freezing cold, with nothing to do and noone to do nothing with.

2) I am going to be single forever.



Thursday, February 08, 2007


Yeah, so just a very small rant today about illness.

Yesterday I was off college due to nausea and flu like symptoms. My dad doesn't know this, I knew he wouldn't believe me, so I went off to my mums house and hid away there, and acted like everything was normal. The evening progressed, I felt fine then. So I went to bed about 1am after watching a programme on the Gumball 3000 (which for those who don't know me, is one of my ambitions to do before I die, along with learning how to pilot a helicopter and own my own pub)

About 3am it would have been, I still hadn't been able to sleep, I run to the toilet to yawn in technicolour. I was quite loud, but nor did my coughing all night or my retching above the toilet bowl wake my dad up, I even said through the door "Dad, I've just been sick but I have cleaned it up"

So this morning, about 8am, he pops his head round the door and says "Are you getting up for college?", in what sounded like a sympathetic voice, it sounded like the sort of voice that implies, "Are you feeling well enough for college?", I presumed this is what my dad meant, I said "No, I still feel rough"... actually, I croaked it, yup, I woke up this morning without a voice, merely a rasp. Cue my dad to start shouting at me saying that I was just pretending, and that it's because I'm not getting EMA (which I am not, but it aint my fault, the EMA office have fucked up, and my dad wants some rent money) I tried telling my dad through my rasp that I was really ill, and his words "I don't care, get up and go to college", everytime he kept saying that when I tried to say something until I took a big deep breath in and told him to fuck off.

Those who know me well at all, know that for all the swearing I do on stage and with my friends, I make a habit of never swearing at my parents, first time I ever swore at my father was when I had my drink spiked and was completely out of it, and I have no reccolection of this, but even then I controlled myself and never used the word cunt apparently. Second time was this morning. And that is in my whole life!! So you can understand how pretty pissed off I was.

At this point he grabbed my guitars and threatened to throw them out the window saying "That'll get you out of bed" It was an idle threat, and I knew he wouldn't do it, but he came back puzzled to see why I wasn't following him.

Why was that you ask?

I was in bed coughing and choking and retching. Also at this point I think he then noticed the fact I could hardly talk, then he left me alone after making me ring up college and tell them I wouldn't be in.

So I went back to sleep, and woke up at 12:30pm, when my dad told me he booked me a doctors appointment. I thought, "Great, my throat is caning, lets see if the doc can't fix this"

My appointment is tomorrow.

It is now 8:25pm, and my voice is almost back to normal, about 70% better.

Yup, so tomorrow is the day I walk into the doctors and proclaim in a Brian Blessed mannerism, "I HAVE LOST MY VOICE"

Fucking laughable joke that is getting an appointment with the doctors these days.

I said short rant didn't I?

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Here I am

So here I am.


If you are reading this now, I have probably just linked you to it, and you are thinking "Well, it's better than myspace"



So, as I said, "here I am" I am here sat at the lappytoppy with a glass of beer. It is quite nice, it is a blonde beer, called Leffe Blonde (Look how I did that blogging thing of linking to certain words). To be honest, it's got a lovely flavour, and as a blonde or white beer, it's perfect with a nice sizeable chunk of lime...NO LEMON... why can't my local shop have lime, I asked them and she suggested I use some lime jiffy in it. I settled for lemon, it's as close as I am gonna get, so here I am (again) drinking it, and it's really quite nice, and it reminds me of summer.

What a great time the summer was eh? Lounging about by the pool, drinking pina coladas?

Well, maybe not hahah. But still, it was warm. AND THAT IS WHAT I AM MISSING!! Heat in the air, but soon it will be spring, and I almost have a kick in my step, and after spring comes summer. And for once, I am not in a bad mood.

Yeah, thats what I thought too! (At this point I am almost certain you are all in a state of shock)

AND! To make me even happier, my friend told me that the show Life On Mars returns on Tuesday 13th Febuary!! So don't try to contact me when it's on, because you will be barked at down the phone or shooed away from my door. I WONT EVEN BE ON MSN!

How is he in 1970's Manchester?


Ahh well, it's the 2nd and final series so not long to find out :)

I would still love to see John Simms as The Doctor, but I imagine he would get typecast if he did two time travelling roles.

Anyways, I am off folks, beer has to be attended to and stuff like that.

Buh bye!

Kristoff XXX